The Art of Haiku

Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006
J Andrew Lockhart
pink tulips stretch
above the daffodils —
watching the sunset
evening stroll..
sidewalk thick with
jasmine scent
spring break—
the kids play baseball
wearing coats
J Andrew Lockhart
winters last gasp
in its Armageddon —
we know the ending
J Andrew Lockhart
March afternoon—
flowers by the brook play a
watercolor fugue
J Andrew Lockhart
a squirrel watches
as I count the tulips
in the garden
spring is late..
looking at your
empty pillow
tornado siren
interrupts my dinner—
hello spring
J Andrew Lockhart
air full of the scent
of multicolor flowers—
funeral day
J Andrew Lockhart
earth stretches and yawns
in the spring morning—
eggs hatch in nests
dogs are bothered
by the loud cricket song..
spring stays for the night
smell of boiled eggs
while eating chocolate
J Andrew Lockhart
first warm night..
I hear a whippoorwill
on the field
The first game of the first season for the "ten and eleven years old" league. We're down 5-3. (Or is it 6-5?) The sun has gone to bed, but we don't have a choice. Cool breeze from the river makes me forget that it's spring. It is April isn't it? The other games have ended, so their lights are snuffed out. We're the only game left. It's the bottom of the last innings— two out, two on. I'm ready to fold up my chair. Who is this pitcher? I don't remember seeing him before. Are you sure he's eleven? He's my size! Finally, the last out. Mothers chatter like hens, complaining that the umps weren't fair. The fathers pick up the aftermath and slowly walk to the dugout. "Next game is Thursday at 7:30," says the coach. Starting the car as the boy hops into the back seat. "You did a good job, son. You swung even, but you need to put a little more into it." I whisper to my wife— "what was the score?"

wide awake
bugs chase the headlights—
going home
J Andrew Lockhart
spring showers
bring the ground alive
trees shiver
J Andrew Lockhart
old man sits
at the picnic table—
misspelled graffiti
J Andrew Lockhart
J Andrew Lockhart is a music teacher in Van Buren, Arkansas, USA and a father of four. His work has been published in the United States, Canada and Australia, including Clouds Peak, Stylus Poetry Journal, Wisteria, American Tanka, Fire Pearls and Modern English Tanka. His blogs include Past Tense and Van Buren Daily Photo.

| Angelee Deodhar | Gerald England | Laryalee Fraser | Denis M Garrison | David A Giacalone | Eric Houck Jr (1) | Eric Houck Jr (2) | Eric Houck Jr (3) | J Andrew Lockhart (1) | J Andrew Lockhart (2) |Paul David Mena | Alan Summers (1) | Alan Summers (2) | Alison Williams |

The other contributors were Aurora, John Barlow, Jason Sandford Brown, Norman Darlington, Dustin aka Texas Haijin, Eric Dutton, Little Onion, Matt Morden, RedGreenBen, Sangeet, Timothy and Yansidara.

| Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006 | | The Art of Haiku | Haikai Talk | Haiku Reviews | Gerald England | New Hope International |

Web page design by Gerald England
This page last updated: 19th June 2010.