The Art of Haiku

Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006
the spring moon
was at my window
in the night
but it has gone
now too
the evening news —
regardless green spikes push up
out of dark earth
spring freshness —
a naked mannequin
in the ski-shop window
Alison Williams
clear cold blue —
all the things I've wanted
but couldn't have
promise of brightness
in a gift of daffodil buds —
snow on St David's Day
Alison Williams
Alison Williams
spring dusk —
the neighbour's vacuum cleaning
ends with a sigh
spring sun's warmth —
I catalogue a book
of death poems

I'm cataloguing the British Haiku Society Library
a Harley in the car-park, going nowhere
officially spring —
the council daffodils
begin to bloom
talk of bouncing back
from adversity —
rain turns to hail
spits and spots of rain —
the postman brings a ticket
for a summer evening show
cold spring —
news of an ex's
Alison Williams
Alison Williams has been writing haiku and related forms since 1998. She lives in Southampton but feels more at home in the blogosphere where she has a number of work related and writing related blogs, as well as taking part in collaborative online groups such as Ukku Spring Haiku. Her haiku blog is called Miso Soup.

| Angelee Deodhar | Gerald England | Laryalee Fraser | Denis M Garrison | David A Giacalone | Eric Houck Jr (1) | Eric Houck Jr (2) | Eric Houck Jr (3) | J Andrew Lockhart (1) | J Andrew Lockhart (2) |Paul David Mena | Alan Summers (1) | Alan Summers (2) | Alison Williams |

The other contributors were Aurora, John Barlow, Jason Sandford Brown, Norman Darlington, Dustin aka Texas Haijin, Eric Dutton, Little Onion, Matt Morden, RedGreenBen, Sangeet, Timothy and Yansidara.

| Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006 | | The Art of Haiku | Haikai Talk | Haiku Reviews | Gerald England | New Hope International |

Web page design by Gerald England
This page last updated: 19th June 2010.