The Art of Haiku

Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006
J Andrew Lockhart
morning sky —
delicate butterflies
dance in sunlight
J Andrew Lockhart
early spring
the land gives birth
to another year
J Andrew Lockhart
warm sun looks
through the moving clouds—
J Andrew Lockhart
morning air
thick with memories—
walking hand in hand
J Andrew Lockhart
at the 4th hole
he chips for a birdie—
hope springs eternal
J Andrew Lockhart
standing alone
at the end of winter's road —
promise of new birth
J Andrew Lockhart
dreary afternoon —
boxing up the last of
winter's clothes
J Andrew Lockhart
looking out a
classroom window —
hint of march
hangs on the gate
with lullabies
March first —
dusty short-sleeve shirts
J Andrew Lockhart
reflecting in
warm shimmering sunset —
childhood memories
J Andrew Lockhart
crossing the river
with a smile — leaving
winter behind
J Andrew Lockhart
sunny afternoon —
birds declare spring to
the playing children
signs of spring
found in the night air —
scent of a skunk
sitting outside
in an almost warm night —
spring's first flying bug
old yard-work shoes —
hard on the feet after
a dry winter
almost spring—
testing tornado sirens
on a clear day
J Andrew Lockhart
J Andrew Lockhart is a music teacher in Van Buren, Arkansas and a father of four. His work has been published in the United States, Canada and Australia, including Clouds Peak, Stylus Poetry Journal, Wisteria, American Tanka, Fire Pearls and Modern English Tanka. His blogs include Past Tense and Van Buren Daily Photo.

| Angelee Deodhar | Gerald England | Laryalee Fraser | Denis M Garrison | David A Giacalone | Eric Houck Jr (1) | Eric Houck Jr (2) | Eric Houck Jr (3) | J Andrew Lockhart (1) | J Andrew Lockhart (2) |Paul David Mena | Alan Summers (1) | Alan Summers (2) | Alison Williams |

The other contributors were Aurora, John Barlow, Jason Sandford Brown, Norman Darlington, Dustin aka Texas Haijin, Eric Dutton, Little Onion, Matt Morden, RedGreenBen, Sangeet, Timothy and Yansidara.

| Selections from Ukku Spring Haiku 2006 | | The Art of Haiku | Haikai Talk | Haiku Reviews | Gerald England | New Hope International |

Web page design by Gerald England
This page last updated: 19th June 2010.