Gerald England
One Over
It was the day of the tiger,
the re-enactment of Bannockburn,
the laundering of clothes
and the final assault over the hills.
The hens had become cannibals,
indicators failed to work,
the Priory remained silent
while children declared themselves - full!
Somewhere near Scotland's only lake
a rainbow appeared over the island.
She counted the colours, each one,
and found, not seven, but eight.
Gerald England is a British poet, living on the edge of the Pennines with his lace-making wife, a
son and a Manchester terrier.. He has been active on the Small Press Scene for almost 30 years and
edits New Hope International. He has published eleven collections of poetry and been translated
into several languages. His new collection "Limbo Time" was published in 1998. His work has also
appeared on various websites and he is a member of Cyberscribers, a group of writers on the
Internet. Home page, http://www.geraldengland.co.uk/ge.htm.
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