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# Item Title Publication Date
321 poem and after his neighbours complained he Bogg #60, (1989), p14
322 poem Sonnet for a Lost Roman Road Vigil #2, (1989), p9
323 poems Seven Senryu The Old Police Station #78, (1989), p5
324 poem Mother England White Rose Literary Magazine #12, (1989), p9
325 magazine (editor) New Hope International (Review Supplement) Vol.13 #2, (1989)
326 magazine
New Hope International Vol.13 #3, (1989)
327 article Pip Pip Hooray! WACCI Vol.4 #5, (1989), p24
328 poem Scene 393 Centre for Hispanic Performing Arts Suplemento #23, (1989), p21
329 poem In Sherwood Forest Yorkshire Robin Hood Review Summer 1989, p8
330 2 poems Searchday Thursday
Status Quo
Plowman, Whitby, Canada
1989, p24
331 poem Lights Eavesdropper #4, 1989, p2
332 poem Bourton on the Water: Model of Commercialism Aireings #17, (1989), p30
333 poem Jodrell Bank Telescope Candelabrum Vol.VI ##II & III, 1989, p17
334 2 poems Traces
In Deep
Short Fuse #39, (1989), p1
335 2 poems Satar Et Bacchi
The First Poem Of The New Year
Working Titles #1, (1989), p5
336 letter On The Road Again WACCI Vol.4 #6, (1989), p8
337 poem Status Quo Transnational Perspectives Vol.15 #1, 1989, p29
338 poem Poppies (After Edward Thomas) Quickenings #53, (1989), p13
339 poem The Artificial Insemination Blues Agog #4, (1989), p18
340 2 poems Wind on the Road
Metaphor of a Snail and an Elephant
Short Fuse #40, (1989), p2
341 poem As A Clashing Cymbal Explorer Vol.17 #1, (1989), p8
342 poem Requiem for an Unfinished Romance Weyfarers #55, (1989), p11
343 poem View of Stamford, From the North The Third Half #11, (1989), p17
344 poem Program Out The Window The Old Police Station #80, (1989), p5
345 poem Musaphobia Eavesdropper #7, (1989)
346 3 poems The Poetic Thing
The Unresting
Politician's Proverb
The Affiliate #27, (1989), p12
347 magazine (editor) New Hope International Review Supplement Vol.13 #5, 1989
348 magazine (editor) New Hope International Vol.13 #6, (1989)
349 2 poems That Day
To M.M
Verve Vol.1 #3, (1989), p5
350 2 poems Little Boy, Not Lost
The Poetic Thing
edited by Geoff Lowe
Psychopoetica, Hull
1989, p36
351 poem Subject Matter Iota #8, (1989), p11
352 poem Intercity Eavesdropper #9, (1989)
353 poem Epic Thought I HAVE A RIGHT TO FARM
Plowman, Ontario, Canada
1989, p26
354 poems Five Haiku Prophetic Voices ##XI & XII, (1989), p119
355 poem Flotsam Quickenings #54, (1989), p30
356 poem Square 7a Lost & Found Times #25, (1989), p11
357 poem Ballade of Arthur Dent Weyfarers #54, (1989), p31
358 article Feedback from Writers Guidelines Magazine Vol.II #4, (1989), p24
359 poem The Murder Late Knocking Vol.IV #2, (1989), p39
360 2 poems Autumnal Visit to Cambridge
Late Visit to Cambridge
The Old Police Station #81, (1989), p5
361 article A Word of Caution WACCI Vol.4 #10, (1989), p29
362 poem Christmas Present Omnific #3, (1989), p66
363 poem Waiting For The Kettle To Boil Bold Print (Late 1989), p5
364 poem A Day's Work (Monday 19/9/77) Prakalpana Literature #14, Autumn 1989, p83
365 5 poems Haiku
Waiting for the Kettle to Boil
Requiem for an Unfinished Romance
Maple Valley Vine October 1989, p8
366 poem Fust Moiter-Car Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society 1989, p31
367 poem To M.M. THE INWARD EAR
edited by Alan Maley and Alan Duff
Cambridge University Press
1989, p108
368 poem Churchill Barriers, Orkney International Poetry #35, 1989, p12
369 poem Senryu New Cicada Vol.6 #2, 1989, p16


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This page last updated: 12th January 2007.